Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 1, 2011

My easy apron tutorial

I know you're probably saying to yourself, "Another apron tutorial? But there are already so many out there!" And I would say you're right, but none of them are mine so here you go, another to add to the the list!
You'll need:
Fabric of your choice 17 inches x 28inches (longer if you want to add pockets)
Backing fabric same size
75 inches tying ribbon  or bias tape
Scissor/ rotary cutter & mat
basic sewing supplies

Press fabric

Pin together, trim edges if needed.

Fold in half, Cut out a triangle 4 inches from folded edge and 8 1/2 inches down.

Cut ribbon or bias tape to 3- 25 inch lengths.

If using bias tape sew down open edge on all 3 pieces and tie a knot in one end on two of the lengths. Leave the other un-knoted. If ribbon, just tie a knot in one end of two and go to next step.

With right sides of the fabric together, slide the un-knoted apron string in between the two fabrics. (Make sure the string is in between because otherwise your apron string will be inside when you flip it right side out!) Make sure the ends stick out just a bit and are about1-1/2 inches from the corner. Sew across entire top, locking string into place.

Next slide one string into the side about 7 inches down past the contour corner. Sew in place. Repeat on second side. Again make sure the strings are in between the fabrics.

Now sew the remaining edges, but leave an opening at the bottom of the apron for turning.

Turn and push out corners. Press and sew turning hole closed. I kept going and sewed all the way around the perimeter of the apron. I like the look better! :)

See? Super easy! Now wear with pride because not only can you sew you can (at least look like you know how to) cook!

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